Product information "Universal Chopper Lift Rothewald"

Rothewald® Motorcycle Lift for Double Tube FramesOptimal for all maintenance and repair work on almost all motorcycles with double tube frames and a maximum frame width of approx. 40 cm. The sturdy lift with an extra-long lever arm allows you to lift your motorcycle effortlessly and safely. The hose-covered support surface protects the motorcycle frame from scratches. After use, the lift can be folded up and easily stored anywhere.-Suitable for all motorcycles with double tube frames with a maximum frame width of approx. 40 cm. -Height adjustment is easy and quick from approx. 20 - 28 cm using two locking screws -Lift weight approx. 5 kg -Support surface width approx. 44 cm, -Lift dimensions (WxH) approx. 54 cm x max. 28 cm-Length of lever arm approx. 70 cm-Maximum load capacity 300 kg

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