Product information "Set: Tank sealing including cleaner and accessories"

Set: Tank Sealing including Cleaner and Accessories - combats existing Corrosion - protects the Tank long-term from further Rust - including Instructions for Use - multiple applications possible for smaller Tank Volumes Special treatment to prevent Rust on Tank interior surfaces. - WAGNER 1-component Resin for long-term Coating (175ml) - sufficient for Tank treatments up to 10L Tank capacity - WAGNER Rust Converter (250ml) - for Tank derusting, the mixing ratio can be up to 1:60 (15 Liters) Including Acetone which is needed for pre- and intermediate cleaning. - MEYER Acetone, solvent and cleaning agent (1 Liter) Our proven Tank Caps complete this Set. - for sealing the Fuel Tap opening and the Filling opening - including Fiber Seal Ø10x14 and Tank Cap Seal Ø60 made of Rubber Note: The Fuel Tap opening is closed with an Aluminum Closure Screw M16x1. The Closure Cap for the Filling opening is designed like a Tank Cap, but without a Ventilation Hole. The Closure Cap is made of Metal and is delivered either Galvanized or Chrome-plated. (Selection is not possible!) More information at:

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