Product information "BRUNOX Epoxy Rust Stop + Primer, Rust Converter - 400ml"

BRUNOX Epoxy Rust Stop + Primer

- patented Rust Converter, Rust Stop + Primer in one
- based on Epoxy Resin
- free from Lead, Zinc, Chromate, and Phosphoric Acid
- penetrates deep into the Rust Pores
- very good application, without annoying brush marks
- compatible with most commercially available coating systems
- free from heavy metals and mineral acids
- no pre-treatment with Silicone Remover, Brake Cleaner, etc. required
- can be baked in up to 180°C
- unlimited shelf life
- Quantity: 400ml

Proven for years, especially in professional vehicle preparation and rust remediation. Penetrates about 10 times deeper into the rust pores than conventional rust converters. No undermining by new rust, as it is free from phosphoric acid. Ideal in combination with BRUNOX 1-K-Filler. Compatible with water-based, air-drying acrylic, synthetic resin, and nitro-combination paints.

Rust Remediation in 3 Steps:

1. remove loose rust, wipe rust dust/rust particles with a lint-free damp cloth (alternatively wipe with a dust-binding cloth or blow off with a compressor). Clean greasy surfaces with Acetone. (No Silicone Remover or Nitro Thinner)
2. shake BRUNOX Epoxy Rust Converter vigorously and apply twice at a distance of about 25cm. Check for complete drying. (hard to the touch) No washing off necessary!
3. sand the layer dry with 400 grit sandpaper afterwards. (only remove gloss)

For further treatment, sand down to the converted pore rust. If necessary, fill dents and unevenness. Apply BRUNOX 1-K-Filler evenly, spray several thin layers, spray distance about 25cm. After subsequent intermediate sanding, apply the final coating directly. (observe manufacturer specifications)

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