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AKF rating guidelines for item ratings

AKF article ratings (as at: 30.05.2024)

You have the possibility to rate your purchased items. To ensure the quality and usefulness of the ratings, you should follow our hints & guidelines.You have questions ? Contact us via support ticket or email to info[at]

1. General

  • Ratings are possible for items purchased via the online store or in the AKF App within the last 90 days.
  • Items can only be rated 1x. (Exception: There is more than one year between the purchases)

2. Rate - This is how it works

  1. Login to the customer account
  2. Call up the "Ratings" tab
  3. Select the article by button"Rate now
  4. Create rating & send

You have the choice between

Short rating

Detailed rating (stars + text)

1- 5 stars for different features and submit.

that's it!



Mandatory: Give 1-5 stars for different features.

Mandatory: Enter headline & feedback in text form.

Optional: Specify model, deposit tips, upload max. 3 pictures


After submitting the rating can no longer be changed by you. By submitting, you agree that it may be adjusted (spelling, grammar). The information and truth content of the statement remains unaffected.

Don't feel like rating? Just delete the article from the list (trash icon).


3. Policy violations - You should avoid this

The following can lead to rejection:



Missing article reference



Text could fit on any article.

It only refers to the service & delivery, but not to the article.

Text that currently no statement is possible is not helpful.

Copy & Paste

Text partly or completely 1 to 1 used for several articles.

Same text

Text in headline & feedback and/or feedback & tips exactly the same.

Contradiction stars & text

e.g. 1 star, according to text but super satisfied. The same applies vice versa

Text length too short

Texts a la "fits", "S51", "everything is fine", "fast delivery" etc. not enough



Pictures violate guidelines. Pictures are rejected as a whole, even if only one picture violates the guidelines.

Untrue statements

Statements that do not correspond to the facts or violate applicable law

Many errors

Poor spelling, text difficult to understand.



Vulgar, obscene, insulting, racist, offensive and violence glorifying statements are generally prohibited.

Mentioning other websites, stores, marketplaces, apps, platforms by name is not allowed and will be removed.


4. Status of the rating



Rate now

Here we go. Let us know what you think.

Waiting for approval

Your rating will be reviewed manually.


Great, your review including your first name will be published in the store.


Sorry, that was nothing. Reason? It will be shown to you.


5. Amount & crediting of bonus points

Amount of bonus points

The calculation is done individually for each article. The maximum possible number of points is displayed directly in the rating list at the article. The actual amount may vary, depending on the scope (short or long evaluation (including or excluding optional part).

Crediting of the bonus points

The credit takes placeafter activation of your evaluation. It does not matter if you give a positive or negative rating. No bonus points will be credited for rejected ratings.


There is no legal claim to the crediting of bonus points.

The data protection regulations of AKF Fahrzeugteile GmbH apply